WAIT A MINUTE THIS ISN'T EVEN ALT 2.0 ANYMOAR! Angered, Bonzi Buddy renders Alt 2.0 weak and helpless by changing her back to her non-hacked, USELESS, UNSPEAKABLE-OF FORM. Po runs over the Flyboat with PO COOTAH, gets the Wonder Pets high on the drug dust it shoots, and Dipsy shoots Alt 2.0 with an AK-47. She says she doesn't have a credit card number when Bonzi Buddy asks for it, causing Bonzi Buddy to think that the Teletubbies fooled him. So, the Teletubbies use the Tubby Phone to transport themselves to some metropolitan area in the mainland United States of UnAmerica, where they find Bailee Madison. Not thinking it's evil enough, Alt 2.0 tries to order Bonzi Buddy to get children's credit card information, but Bonzi just keeps singing the dumb song and there's nothing she can do about it. So, the Teletubbies use Alt 2.0 (because she is a computer robot) to summon Bonzi, who just sings a dumb song that goes like: The episode begins in Home Dome, where Po hangs up from a phone call with the Illuminati, who ordered her to have Bonzi Buddy prove to them that he is evil.